Dr Jo Morrison
Director of Digital Innovation and Research, Calvium Expert practitioner working at the intersection of people, place, technology and data; dedicated to enhancing place experiences for all.
About this speaker
Jo's expertise is in the research and design of place-based digital products, services and experiences that enhance people's relationship with places, e.g. healthcare estates or public spaces. Co-design, stakeholder community engagement and inclusive participatory practices are at the heart of much of her work.
Before joining Calvium, Jo was Digital Projects Director at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London and founding Creative Director of Nesta Futurelab. Project partners have included the NHS, Samsung, V&A Museum, Microsoft Research, National Trust, City of Edinburgh Council and the Wellcome Trust.
* Co-Founding Director of the Association of Collaborative Design
* Fellow of Royal Society for Arts
* Fellow of Institute of Place Management
* Fellow of Higher Education Academy
* Expert on the UK government’s High Streets Task Force
* Industry Champion for Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre
* PhD in the field of Interaction Design Research situated in the public realm.