Choose Inclusion: Place-based Digital Innovation for Social Benefit
A Talk by Dr Jo Morrison (Director of Digital Innovation and Research, Calvium)
About this Talk
In the 21st century, digital platforms have significantly influenced the urban landscape, labour markets, housing markets, and the social fabric of towns and cities - leading to a mix of benefits and challenges. This talk explores how we, collectively, can create a more inclusive vision of place-based digital technologies, so that future digital innovations work in service of all people.
This presentation is for those who are committed to both interpreting the world and changing it for the better.
It takes a pragmatic approach to innovation and focuses on the critical first step - identifying opportunities to make the experience of places better for all people.
By exploring the first stages of several digital placemaking projects, the audience will explore real-world innovation from the public, private and third sectors.
The Choose Inclusion talk offers attendees a deeper knowledge of innovating at speed and with care.