
Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Lucy DeBest

Publishing Director, TSO

Dr. Gil Dekel

Editor, Journal of Creativity and Inspiration

Kevin Draisey

Procurement Lead, Department for Education

Ngozi Efedje

Principal Consultant, Triad

Magid El-Amin

Director of Evidence and Insight , Catch22

Tim Ellett

Project Manager - Discover More, Suffolk Libraries

Gareth Elliott

Director of Policy and Communications, Mobile UK

Harry Emambocus

Mobile Policy Lead, Scottish Government

Nathan Evans

Qualifications Manager, Modernising Assessment, Qualifications Wales

Sarah Eynon

Broadband Programme Director, The Scottish Government, Digital Connectivity

Rafael Franco

CPTO, Raf Consultancy

Alison Freer

Managing Consultant, Thinkfreer

Scott Fulton

Director, Digital Rebels

Jack Garfinkel

Content Designer, Content Design London

Laura Gilbert CBE

Director, AI Lab

Nic Granger

Director of Corporate, North Sea Transition Authority

Ersin Güray

Founder and CEO, PoiLabs

Amanda Haigh

Founder, UKind Therapy CIC

Jane Hancer

Programme Director, CC2i Ltd

Marisa Hayes

Partnership Delivery Manager, GeoPlace

Rox Heaton

National Board Trustee, Citizens Advice

Pete Heslop

Founder, Steadfast Collective

Joe Hill

CEO, ReformUK

James Hobbs

Head of Technology, Aer Studios

Lord Chris Holmes

Peer and AI Policy Expert, HOUSE OF LORDS