Bruce Leeke

Chief Executive Officer, Suffolk Libraries

About this speaker

Bruce is Chief Executive of Suffolk Libraries which became an independent charity in 2012 and at the same time the first library service to become a public sector mutual. It aims to redefine the way that people see libraries in Suffolk and across the UK. It has a unique, locally-based offer driven by meeting specific needs in the community. Building local resilience by improving wellbeing is at the very heart of this approach.

Amongst its unique services Suffolk Libraries hosts a ground breaking mental health and wellbeing service called New Chapters. Bruce started his career in conferences and events working for international media companies Emap and Lexis Nexis amongst others, before moving to the charity sector, becoming COO and then Chief Executive of the Institute of Fundraising. He then became St John Ambulance’s Regional Director responsible for all commercial and charitable activities in the East of England and East Midlands and led innovation and new thinking at the charity, spearheading the conception and support for the Discover More App development,


Library Networks: Transforming Community Wellbeing through Digital Innovation

17 October 2024, 01:00 PM
Tim Ellett Bruce Leeke