Co-designing a careers advice platform with young people in Scotland
A Talk by Jenni Parker and Ali Fawkes
About this Talk
In 2023 Skills Development Scotland engaged Humanly to lead the co-design of exciting new features of My World of Work, Scotland’s career information and advice website. A highly collaborative, agile approach over 6 months saw Humanly and Skills Development Scotland work as one team, exploring what a personalised user experience might look like, and how users might capture their skills and achievements over time.
Humanly ran a series of highly creative workshops that engaged over 100 children, young people, and educators. Through an iterative process, Humanly led the generation of hundreds of ideas, development of detailed concepts and testing of clickable prototypes. In this case study Humanly will share the approaches used to effectively engage young people, and demonstate how the ideas generated through the co-design process have stayed central throughout the development of the newly launched re-designed My World of Work.