Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen

University of Exeter

About this speaker

Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen is Professor of Design Engineering and Innovation at the University of Exeter. She is the Director of DIGIT Lab, a five year EPSRC funded project, and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Impact, Faculty of Environment, Science, Economy at Exeter. Professor Ahmed-Kristensen's research focuses on design engineering including the impact and integration of digital technologies on: creativity and cognition, data and knowledge structuring, data-driven design process to customise products and quantifying and predicting user experiences. She works closely with a range of industries; complex product, aerospace (Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems); oil (AK MH); consumer (GN Netcom); medical (Novo Nordisk), and across disciplines of psychology, computing and design, for example leading to approaches to auto-index aerospace reports, through an ontology based on design cognition and Natural Language Processing. Her research was one of the first to use a human centred approach to structuring and automating indexing of knowledge, and; to develop approaches to quantify user experiences, leading to a data driven-approach to assess comfort in headsets (now embedded within GN Netcom Product development processes and leading to awards for comfort).


Data and AI to Drive Innovation

16 October 2024, 12:00 PM
Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen