John Steward

Head of Product, DEFRA

John's Session broadcasts 17 October 2024, 03:00 PM

About this speaker

John is a product manager with significant experience in leading digital transformation and software development across a broad range of sectors, including entertainment, fintech, education and government. He is currently working at Defra and building greener services on GOV.UK, which is the UK government’s home on the web. As Head of Product at Defra he is responsible for leading the charge on sustainable product management in government. This includes overseeing product delivery, growing the product function, its capability, and the wider community of practice. An advocate of agile delivery and lean product development, he values innovation and achieves this through focusing on continuous cycles of discovery, iterative development, release and optimisation. John encourages user centred design, accessibility and working in the open. He leads both teams and leaders to take ethical and sustainable approaches to develop digital services which make government better for people and the environment, while providing a more personalised and proactive service.


Sustainable Digital - How to use product management to design and deliver greener services.

17 October 2024, 03:00 PM
John Steward